
Perhaps the most commonly requested addition to any home is a complimentary patio system. Patios are truly an extension of your home’s interior living space, so we feel that it deserves a little special design time to be fully optimized for your household’s specific needs. Our design team is equipped with state of the art design software and can provide a technical drawing along with your new patio proposal. Your home was designed with you in mind, let our experts develop your patio with the same architectural persuasion.
AGW can install both concrete and paver patio systems. The construction for both starts out very similarly with (1) a commercial grade fabric for stabilization and (2) a compact base material. Review our Q and A section below for commonly asked questions further relating to patios and their installation.
Q: What are the differences between concrete and paver installation?
A: Concrete patios are reinforced with rebar and can be upgraded to include a color and/or stamp pattern with accent release color. Paver patios are installed over a small layer of leveling sand, compacted and sealed with an adhesive sand.
Q: What are the benefits of pavers versus concrete?
A: Pavers allow for movement in the joints between individual pieces. Concrete will eventually form surface cracks over time from constant battling with the ground beneath the slab (freezing and thawing throughout the seasons).
Q: If I buy materials at a local supply store, can you install the product?
A: The short answer to this question is, yes absolutely. The longer answer would warrant caution to the consumer. We would recommend that you consult a professional contractor prior to purchasing ANY products (regardless of the sale, deal or other opportunity that may have presented itself). The problem with many big box pavers is that they lack the psi (pressure strength) to withstand the equipment that a contractor will most likely utilize to install them properly. AGW crews generally run a plate compactor over the pavers once they have been set in place. If the pavers are of a lower psi strength, they may disintegrate or explode under the pressure…meaning you will probably pay additional labor and material charges beyond what you anticipated to get the job completed.
Q: Can I install a concrete patio with a stamp pattern, but no color?
A: Some homeowners are looking for creative ways to work within their budget and still get that overall texture and luxurious effects of a stamped concrete patio. One way to do this is to omit the color in the concrete batch and simply use standard gray concrete. This does NOT mean that your patio cannot have a color variation. Actually, when the stamp pattern is applied, a release color agent should be used to accent the grooves of the pattern (resulting in a two-tone grayscale effect overall). Traditional, patio sizes will see a savings of several hundred dollars by omitting the integral concrete color.
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Our staff has developed a nifty Project Planning Guide for your reference if you want to start doing a little research of your own before you hire a professional contractor to get the job done for you. We welcome any thoughts, comments or questions from our fans! Let us know if you have any other tips and tricks you’d recommend for someone looking for services.

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David C