
Landscaping is important for many reasons:


Landscaping defines your home from neighboring lots.  

Who wants to be just like the neighbors? Landscaping gives you the flexibility to create a statement all your own.  From accent boulders to plantings to accessories, landscaping can give your house that curb appeal you have been dreaming of!


Landscaping adds value to your home.  

We recommend that all homeowners budget approximately 10% of their home value to invest in lawn and landscaping.  This may seem a little farfetched to some, but as you begin to add up each element, it is not uncommon for a homeowner to spend thousands of dollars getting everything on their wish list.  If you are not able to accommodate this much up front, consider asking your landscape professional for a “phased” installation.


We work with many of our clients to draft up a lawn and landscape Master Plan and then break each element out into a separate priced alternate on their proposal.  This allows the homeowner to examine all the elements and then select which ones they want to invest in first.  If you aren’t sure how to move forward, our design and estimating professionals can help you select items that make sense for your very own Phase One.


Landscaping protects your home.  

Foundation problems are a homeowners worst nightmare.  Landscaping can help protect your home’s concrete or wood foundation from premature water damage by redirecting the water to further into the yard and deterring it from pooling next to the basement walls.  Water (especially during seasons of intense freezing or thawing) can be an unwelcome guest that causes cracking and leaking that will damage your interior finishes and furnishings if the problem persists long enough.


For newly built homes, we recommend waiting approximately 18 months (or going through at least one freeze-thaw cycle) prior to completing the bulk of your landscaping.  This allows your newly-backfilled yard to settle first, before you load it with heavy rock or plantings that will make it harder to correct years down the road.  For many homeowners that want to still move forward with their dirt work and lawn installation, we are happy to install only the edging component of a landscape.  This makes a good placeholder until it is appropriate to complete the rock or mulch and planting work in upcoming phases.


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Our staff has developed a nifty Project Planning Guide for your reference if you want to start doing a little research of your own before you hire a professional contractor to get the job done for you. We welcome any thoughts, comments or questions from our fans! Let us know if you have any other tips and tricks you’d recommend for someone looking for services.

We Build Long Lasting Relationships

Mandy M

JZiegelmanMandy M