Commercial Snow Removal
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Equipment Capabilities:
For our commercial properties, Accelerated Green Works runs a fleet of a variety of machines, including, but not limited to:
Plow trucks
Dump trucks
Skidsteers (with Kage system or 100” bucket)
Payloaders (928 HZ Cat loader w/3 CY bucket)
Tool Cat (with snow blower or broom attachment)
Walk-behind blowers (or manual shoveling)
Each commercial property has its own needs and we will do our best to customize service to individual property requests. Our equipment is traditionally billed at an hourly rate, but we can also provide a flat monthly rate for clients depending on the owner or property manager’s preference.
General Commercial Notes:
- Hourly rates are applied to each piece of equipment, rounded to the nearest quarter hour (with a one-hour minimum) and including drive time from the previous property.
- Snow will be stock-piled onsite unless otherwise directed by property owner or management at the time of contract signing. Additional charges apply for salt/sanding or snow hauling services.
- All vehicles and any other obstructions MUST be moved prior to any snow removal. If any vehicles remain, the contractor will clean around them to the best of the crew’s ability. If multiple trips are necessary to complete snow removal activities, this may result in additional charges to the owner.
- Fiberglass markers (at least 3 feet in height) must be installed where the snow is to be cleaned prior to any snow removal activities for the season.
- Cable, electrical or other utility boxes must be properly marked during snow removal activities.
- Snow will be cleared at the accumulation of 2 inches or more on the grounds (this is at the discretion of the contractor). In the event of a blizzard, snow removal may be delayed until the hazardous driving conditions subside.
- All salt / sand applications will be completed by request only.
- For monthly contracts, there will be an additional charge for services provided after April 15th.

We Build Long Lasting Relationships
Karen K